Hay veces que me molesta mucho que mis recuerdos se borren, porque se que nunca más, en ningun universo paralelo(o no) nadie va a volver a pensar lo mismo. Que bien.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Monster Love ♥

In my opinion not all the generals and conquerors were necessarily killers.But i'm sure that some of them did not have good intentions. Could it be possible that this writer hadn't studied enough before writing the text based on these thoughts? WHY DOES HE ASSUME THAT ALL THE PEOPLE ARE VIOLENT AND SAVAGE?.I'm not an animal,and I don't like fighting or killing (sure you don't). Well,it's true,many countries still solve their disputes through wars and battles.But they shouldn't. Let us help you.

To: human beings
From: Your best friends forever, drug(¡)s

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