Hay veces que me molesta mucho que mis recuerdos se borren, porque se que nunca más, en ningun universo paralelo(o no) nadie va a volver a pensar lo mismo. Que bien.

viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

♥ She was a girl from Birmingham, she just had an abortion, she was case of insanity. Her name was Pauline, she lived in a tree. She was a no one who killed her baby, she sent her letters from the country; she was an animal, she was a bloody disgrace. Body,im not an animal!. Dragged on a table in factory, illegitimate place to be, in a packet in a lavatory . Die little baby screaming, body screaming fucking bloody mess. Not an animal, it's an abortion !Body! I'm not animalMummy! I'm not an abortion. Throbbing squirm, gurgling bloody mess.I'm not a discharge, I'm not a loss in protein, I'm not a throbbing squirm. Fuck this and fuck that, fuck it all and fuck a fucking brat. She don't wanna baby that looks like that; I don't wanna baby that looks like that

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